Pool Temperature
Pool TemperatureHeating your swimming pool to the ideal temperature helps keep your pool a comfortable, safe environment for swimmers. The ideal pool temperature will depend on several factors, such as the age of the swimmers and whether the pool is used for leisure...
Green Hair
Green HairSwimmers with light, blonde, or gray hair may sometimes notice their hair gaining a green tinge after swimming. This is a result of copper, which is commonly found in fresh or saltwater pool water and can also be introduced by copper-based algaecides and...
Low Free Chlorine
Low Free ChlorineFree chlorine is a vital pool chemistry component, acting as the primary sanitizer and oxidizer. Since contaminants in pool water and sunlight can affect the amount of free chlorine, the level requires regular monitoring. When there’s a low free...
Types of Sanitizers
Types of SanitizersPool sanitizer helps keep pool water clean and safe and is an essential aspect of pool maintenance. There are various types of sanitizers available, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. The most popular sanitizer is chlorine. Alternative...
Balancing Pool Water
Balancing Pool Water Balancing your pool water means ensuring the total alkalinity, pH, and calcium hardness are within their proper levels. Properly balanced water is crucial to keeping your pool clean and clear. Maintaining proper pool water balance involves...
Pool Filters
Pool FiltersPool filters play a vital role in keeping your pool sparkling clean and clear during the entire pool season. There are three main types of filters available: sand, cartridge, and diatomaceous earth, or D.E., all of which work to remove contaminants from...
Pool Clarifier vs Pool Flocculant
Pool Clarifier vs Pool Flocculant Pool clarifier and pool flocculant are two chemical solutions that can be used to clear cloudy pool water. As coagulant agents, they cause foreign debris particles that are typically too small to be removed by the filter to clump...
Liquid Pool Covers
Liquid Pool Covers A liquid pool cover is an invisible barrier that reduces heat loss and evaporation from pool water. An alternative to traditional plastic pool covers, liquid pool covers provide pool protection 100 percent of the time, conserving the maximum amount...
Cloudy Pool Water
Cloudy Pool Water: Causes, Effects, Treatments, And Prevention Cloudy pool water has a murky, unsightly appearance due to large numbers of microscopic particles reflecting the sunlight. It presents as flat-looking water with clarity but no sparkle in the early stages....
Pool Shock
Pool Shock Pool shock chemicals play an important role in pool water maintenance. Adding a shock product to pool water increases the level of free chlorine so that contaminants such as algae and bacteria are destroyed, making the water safe for use. The best pool...